Monday, March 19, 2012

Hill Topper Returns

I am back
This blog is here to tell the world about my problems with Thumper/Beans/Kracker/Bunny/Murphy and the whole pirate radio war conspiracy! I'll show you. You Beans/Krackhead/Murphy/Bunny sockpuppets who only want to see your name on the loggings have got another thing coming, I would never mention Kracker/Murphy/Bunny/Beans on a web site anyplace and anyone who does is just another sock puppet. They  f**ked up what used to be a fun hobby and is now overrun by childish morons who do not look at the facts that are out there for anyone with half a brain.

1 comment:

Pony Straka said...

Q: What's the difference between Captain Ganja and Alex Vranes?

A: Captain Ganja would never steal a car and throw his pot pipe out the window while being pursued by police at high speed.