Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pirate radio operator "Doc John" revealed

Pirate radio operator revealed!
I have it on good authority that this is a photograph of the Canadian pirate radio operator known as "Doc John." I know this is true because I read it on a blog and as you know, everything that's said on a blog is true!

To: Bob Smith (bobsmith6955@yahoo.com)
Date: Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 4:32 AM
Subject: Re: Whats up?
From: Doc John (northernrelayservice@gmail.com)

We here at the northern relay service appreciate that the only things that can replace our signal is pot and Jesus ( be careful combining the two). But our signal like the rapture will be announced by a voice from the air ,and if you tune somewhere between 6.930 and 6.940 sometime in the early evening you will have a chance of hearing us. In the meantime, here is a picture for your pirate radio scrapbook.

[Attached file: doc-john.jpeg]

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Punk Poetry (jta tells it like it is)

Jta of Belfast fame
told us today that John Poet is lame.

The crying babe on 6925

Through all the crackle and noise, said he,
Poet is whining about the FCC.

"Murphy's a snitch and that isn't funny,
I was turned in by that fuckin' bunny."

He says he has friends but his head's full of rocks,
his blogs are all full of trolls and socks.

He whines like a girl and quickly calls "snitch,"
he thinks he is king but he's really a bitch.

Beware of the baby from Lansing named Greg,
he'll poop in your hat and pee on your leg.

Monday, July 23, 2012


Typical of what's left of pirate radio. Pat/Jerry/Beans/et al ad nauseum spends all of his time railing against those who would truly promote the hobby, instead of transmitting truly original programming. Garbage. Pat/Jerry and whatever the f**ever he tries to pass himself off as w/his sockpuppets tried to drag my my personal life (even though he f**ed that up, since he just copied newspaper/piggy-police reports into what was left of the hobby, and we all know how offbase they are) into the hobby is just part of what f**ked what was left of pirate radio. He f***d that up by not looking into what the really facts are, yet peoples' personal life has nothing to do w/logging stations. I will no longer have anything to do w/what is left of pirate radio, but I will suggest that anyone that truly cares about what is left of it ignores Pat/Jerry/Bunny/Beans/Thumper/Kracker and all the sockpuppets and thier so-called stations and sockpuppet loggings. Peoples' personal lives have nothing to do w/hobbies, but Pat/Jerry/Beans/Thumper and his lackey Krackhead insist on bringing outside garbage into what was left of the hobby. People, if you reallly do care about what is left of this hobby, please do not post/mention anything about Murphy/BunnyKracker and those who are doing their most to ruin what was once a very fun hobby.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Wiping my ass with my Crystal Ship QSL

What in the hell is going on with the poet? He quit responding to all the emails I sent after his last broadcast. Someone said that he got busted and that he was off shortwave! I can't listen anymore or surf the internet except for weekends, because of other stuff going on, but I was interested in what Poet was up to. I enjoyed his classic rock shows in 6875 back a couple of years ago!!!

Looks like he's been doing some bad dope, he is all fucked up in the head!!!!! He has a blog, just like my blog here where we tell the truth about Commander Bunny and all the damage he has done to what was such a fun hobby but is now full of sock puppets like Mosby, beans, Joe Smith, Chris Smolinski and Krackhead. His blog is all full of obsessive shit about Commander Bunny who is also the same as beans/Mosby/Winston/etc. So why is Poet obsessed about emails about this shit??? I think he's lost his mind. This used to be a fun hobby until it was overrun by Fansome etc.

Poet you are fucked up! No wonder theres no fun in this hobby any more ;(

Thursday, July 19, 2012

"Pope Poet" is a delusional monkey spanker!

John Poet, former pirate radio operator, now delusional monkey spanker

There's a sourpuss out there who used to be on the shortwave pirate bands. His name is "John Poet," and since he got a letter from the FCC in 2011 for broadcasting on the funny bands, he has gone completely insane.

Check this out:

The Crystal Ship or 'TCS' is a former North American shortwave pirate radio station, founded in 1982, reactivated in 2004, betrayed and busted in 2011. Now known as the TCS Shortwave Relay Network, with shows broadcast by other pirate radio operators. 'The Poet' and 'The Radical' program left-leaning political opinion, and specialize in music from the '60s, '70s and '80s.

If this is really what "The Crystal Ship" is about, then why in the world does he fill up page after page on his blog with meaningless drivel and rants about Commander Bunny? This has nothing at all to do with "left leaning political opinion" or "music from the '60s, '70s and '80s."

On the other hand, the piles and piles of raw sewage he spews on his blog more accurately depicts someone who has lost his fucking mind!

And, they call Alex Vranes insane.

Well, hairball, it isn't over. I'm not done with you yet, but the dish is just about cold enough to be served now. However, I'll be indulgent and play your game for just a minute: if we judge the matter of "winning" the pirate war on the basis of, who has been busted by the FCC, and who hasn't, well, then obviously you've "won" that one. Congratulations. I'm sure you're proud of what you've accomplished.

Of course Commander Vole won. Isn't it obvious? You fell for his trap hook, line and sinker. He gets off on all your meaningless childish prattle! And you still think he turned you in to the FCC? Again, it's obvious that John Poet, who obviously has so few brain cells left that he can't take responsibility for getting himself busted by broadcasting regularly in his own house, for hours at at time, on a predictable schedule, and who sent out e-mails to a large list before firing up transmitters?

Monday, July 16, 2012

Commander "Bunny" exposed -- Dirty rodent masquerading as a rabbit is nothing but a vole

Commander Bunny exposed!
He's not a rabbit at all, but a dirty little vole!

Commander "Bunny" is a pirate radio operator, self-proclaimed issuer of "The Best QSL Packages in Pirate Radio ever," and vicious attacker of defenseless pirate radio listeners such as Alex Vranes, Jr.

This horrible rodent is a well documented stalker and blight on the pirate radio community. Years of abuse and unfunny radio programs have reduced shortwave pirate radio to a smoking crater now only inhabited by little boys with an mp3 player and amplifier they bought off eBay.

Commander "Bunny" reportedly will appear in a video documentary on pirate radio to be aired at the 2013 Shortwave Listeners Winter Festival in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania. We have obtained screen shots from this video and are exposing Commander "Bunny" for the dirty little rodent he is.

Note that Commander "Bunny" is not even a rabbit! He is a vole, a rodent that is generally considered to be a pest and target of extermination and removal!

Commander "Bunny" exposed in pirate radio documentary!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

More lies from Commander Bunny Krackhead on shortwave

My new self portrait
copyright 2012 alex vranes
That bad bunny sockpuppet has been lying about me on shortwave radio again!! I heard it on 6950 last night, he said I was in jail and gone insane. These are all lies and is typical behavior for the rodent and all his blowing league krackheads!!!

I am not in jail, that was a lie posted by some sock puppet ;) Why the hell can't these people do something construictive instead of attacking pirate listeners on the internet?