Monday, April 2, 2012

I will no longer have anything to do w/what is left of pirate radio

What the fuck does anyone--or their personal life--have to do w/a hobby? Again, Jerry/Pat/Bunny/whatever the left he calls himself has brought what was left of the hobby down to a childish personal level. Yet still people will post loggings of this childish moron on this and other morons and the childish garbage that he xmits about myself, John Poet, and other who care/did care about the hobby. People, if you reallly do care about what is left of this hobby, please do not post/mention anything about Murphy/BunnyKracker and those who are doing their most to ruin what was once a very fun hobby. Peace/out.

1 comment:

John Poet said...

Commander Bunny & Kracker Love Poet and The Crystal Ship!

I want you to STAY THE F00K OUT of MY territory, capiche?

You have 47 other continental states you can use for your broadcast roadtrips, and besides that, you smell bad when your diapers leak!

I have read some of Commander Bunny, Kracker, Beans, Thumper, Mosby, Bouncer, Bill O Rights, S. Puppet, Alexander Vranes (& sundry other sock-puppets not yet fully identified)'s writings. While I disagree with much of their content, I do not intend to attack Commander Bunny, Kracker, Beans, Thumper, Mosby, Bouncer, Bill O Rights, S. Puppet, Alexander Vranes (& sundry other sock-puppets not yet fully identified)'s opinions, only to offer my own viewpoints. For the sake of review, we must create a world in which obstructionism, demagogism, and mental illness are all but forgotten. If we don't, future generations will not know freedom. Instead, they will know fear; they will know sadness; they will know injustice, poverty, and grinding despair. Most of all, they will realize, albeit far too late, that if Commander Bunny, Kracker, Beans, Thumper, Mosby, Bouncer (& sundry other sock-puppets not yet fully identified) bites me I will bite back. I am all fucked up and don't know what the hell I'm saying!

Thank you Alex for shining the truth on this whole sorry scene