Friday, May 4, 2012

They persecute me!!!

It's a shame what that insane idiot (we all know who I'm talking about) does. He was on 6925, but deliberately moved up to jam NRS. He apparently thinks he owns the airwaves, the Internet, etc., etc. Now watch, he'll/they'll now probably slam me on one of his/their "shows," and I use that term very very loosely in his/their case, on his/their "blog" (and again I use that term loosely--I guess it should be more like rants in all of these cases), and his/their Pirate Radio site. I understand mental illness, but this clown really seriously needs professional help. And he's complaining about bloggers--what a joke, LMFAO!!!


Anonymous said...

As I said, I don't hide behind 'Anonymous' like cowards/stooges, LMFAO!!!!!


Anonymous Jones said...

Not hiding here, Alex. Anonymous IS my real name. Jump!

Luther Vandross said...

Well if Alex/Hilltopper/runfromcops/failuretoappear wants to have a sock-puppet fight, then, he/she/them/it shall have one!
Possibly Corq/Guise/Syfr et al, can help him realize, he's just as bad at it, as anyone else. Unless of course, he has a court appearance he's forgotten, yet again, and has a warrant (yet again) out for his arrest!

ronin said...

does anyone here need a footrub?

Loafhead said...

I could sure use a butt-rub and a milking here, Ronin. My feet don't need any pampering but you can eat my toejam if you want. Your call.



Anonymous said...

What a dirty old bag

Anonymous said...

Loafhead is banned from wal-mart, the last one she went into, she farted and the roof fell in.

Loafhead is also banned from; the last date she got from there, she ate.

sockwad said...

loafhead at least looks better than alex's ex. talk about fugly wimmen. yick.

Alex Brains said...

All this crap is why pirate radio is no longer a fun hobby. You Bunny/Murphy/Krackhead/Mosby/Thumper/Beans assholes have ruined it for everone!!! I don't even know what the fuck this 'loaf head' person is, but if it is someone who is against all that Bunny/Krackerhead/Winston is doing to ruin pirate radio then they are all right in my book!! Fuck all you sock puppets. Peace/out.

sockwad said...

shove a sock in it, alex. kiss my sockpuppet ass, criminal. fuck off!

El Jumpo said...

¡Yo quiero mas marijuana y piratas!

Alex Brains said...

Dumbass sock puppets, you must be commander Bunny/Krackhead. Typical anonymous sock puppet crap :-< No wonder pirate radio isn't any fun any more, you sock puppets have runied it for everyone!!

sockwad said...

shut the fuck up before i sock you.

god damn it!

Alex Brains said...

You fuckin assholes!!! I was not trying to jump off that damn bridge, the officers thanked me afterwards for helping them!! Bunny/Krackerhead/Miosby twisted all that and posted peoples private info all over the inetrnet and ruined pirate radio!!! you damn sock krackhead/beans go fuck off!!!!

ronin said...

i think dirty socks are nice to sniff. the riper and manlier, the better.

Sluggo said...

You people are weird. ESAD!

Jim Sock said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
RD Cuff said...

Dear Mr. Vranes,

I find this thread and your entire web blog in general to be distasteful and offensive. Please remove everything at once. Thank you.

With friendship and unity.

RD Cuff

PS: Asshole!

Alex Brains said...

Fuck you bunny/krackhead sock puppets, quit posting here, you have ruined pirate radio!!!!!!!

Djboutit said...

Yo yo YO! I beez jamminz with da hard core rapz, just check out the forumz. I goes the big record collection and ho's out in da minivan wit da big azz rims, yo.

Yo be selling dat amps for the freak radio? We be hang in wit the bro's firin up de blintz YO!

Al Fansome said...

You assholes stop persecuting Alex or I am going to start reaping souls around here. I'm the god damn GRIM FANSOME and I MEAN BUSINESS!!

the rabbit said...

i think you need to check your tire pressure, fansome and or shut your still dead trap. geez what does a rabbit have to do to get you monkey-boys to behave anyhow?

the rabbit

p.s. eat my cocoa puff's

Artie Bigley said...

I suck cocks!