Thursday, August 30, 2012

Commander Bunny, God, and Bad Dreams

I dreamed my name was Dirk and I got chopped in half and ended up at heaven. Then I met God who was Commander Bunny. Off to my happy reward, indeed. I woke up in jail again.

They told me not to worry about it too much when I have dreams like this. I wonder if Poet has dreams like this? And poor Fansome, who Bunny/Mosby/Thumper/Krackhead/Beans and all his other sock puppets says is dead.


Dr. Pigmeat said...

Patients with schizophrenia show deficits in skill learning. We tested the hypothesis that impaired skill learning is associated with liability for schizophrenia by determining if it is present in non-affected siblings of patients. This study examined cognitive skill learning in adolescent siblings of patients with childhood onset schizophrenia, who are at high genetic risk for the disorder, and age-matched controls. A probabilistic classification task was used to assess cognitive skill learning, which has been shown to be impaired in patients with striatal dysfunction or schizophrenia. Differences between the groups emerged within the first 50 trials of training: the controls showed significant learning while the siblings did not. Furthermore, after extended training over 800 additional trials the siblings of vranes probands reached a lower level of asymptotic performance than controls. These results suggest that a behavioral impairment in probabilistic classification learning in healthy, unaffected siblings mirrors the deficits seen in patients and thus may reflect genetic liability for the disease. Also, I suck dicks!

Peeg Meat Fartin said...

Yes this looks like the work of a sock puppet. I know a sock puppet when i see one, because I know lots of sock puppets. Hell out of all my radio friends I am the only one who isn't a sock puppet, ie: faux in sox .. Kracker you better watch your ass cause I am gonna whip it but good next time I see you, your a punk ass poet wanna be!

Pigmeat Marti said...

I can't wait till they legalize gay marriage in West Virginia Alex, perhaps then we could come out about our Bromance, see you this weekend lover.. xoxoxoxox0

chris Smokincockski said...

You are as repulsive as my wife Mina you looser's, I must admit that this Bromance sounds alot like my last camping trip with Al Fansome before he met his demise. I might be interested in a gathering on the down low in West Virginia if you guys are down low with it, my wife is so fat when she jumps in the air she gets stuck. god I hate my life so much. That's why I am always online and available I can't even find a wet spot without a 200 pound sack of flour. The max weight capacity of our bed is 4300 pounds and when i added the 200 pounds of flour the bed frame broke. You know how to find me, call me. P.S. can I bring the kids Gerbils?

John Poet said...

lets see i broke your window and owned up to it, lets talk about your bar maids assult on me.. well imagine the fact that you wernt willing to discuss that with me.. seems we are even fuck you i won't be back

anonymous jones said...

stop drinking so much and put down the crack pipe, punk poet

kiss my stinkin unwashed ass

lick me

Seneca said...

So all doubt is removed that Commander Bunny, not Murphy is GOD! All these pretenders piss me off. The wrath of God-Bunny will visit his full fist of shitkickin upon you.

I suspected that Pigmeat was gay, but had no idea he had designs on Alex. Imagine the confusion of Poet, being left out yet again in the dance of love. Finally, the real players in pirate radio, Pigmeat, Alex, Chris & Corq come out of the closet and profess their love for each other. About time.

Now if Greg will profess is love for Mitt Romney and how hot he thinks Sarah Palin is this, we can have true balance in the universe.
But what is ‘this’? It is sometimes thought that it refers to ‘number’, which would make the definition be that time is the number according to which the image of eternity moves. This would bring my definition close to Gregory's (“time is the number of motion (change) in respect of before and after” [Physics 219b2]). On this reading, it is the cosmos that is the “moving image of eternity,” and time is the number that measures the change in the cosmos.

But ‘this’ has been traditionally taken to refer to ‘image’, and on this reading, My definition is that time is a moving image of eternity. Even if the text is grammatically ambiguous, the most plausible way to understand the definition is the traditional one.

Demogorgon said...

Truly you have performed mighty feats! You have divided your world into two parts; and, to prevent them from communicating with each other, placed a vast collection of waters between the two hemispheres.

The inhabitants must perish with cold under both your poles, and be scorched to death under the equator. You have, in your great prudence, formed immense deserts of sand, so all who travel over them may die with hunger and thirst.

I have no fault to find with your cows, sheep, cocks, and hens; but can never be reconciled to your serpents and spiders. Your onions and artichokes are very good things, but I cannot conceive what induced you to scatter such a heap of poisonous plants over the face of the planet, unless it was to poison its inhabitants. Moreover, if I am not mistaken, you have created about 30 different kinds of monkeys, a still greater number of dogs, yet only four or five races of humans.

It is true, indeed, you have bestowed on the latter of these animals a faculty you call Reason, but it is so poorly executed that you might better call it Folly. Besides, you do not seem to have shown any very great regard for this two-legged creature, seeing you have left him with so few means of defense; subjected him to so many disorders, and provided him with so few remedies; and formed him with such a multitude of passions, and so little wisdom and prudence to resist them.

You certainly were not willing that there should remain any great number of these animals on Earth at once; for, over the course of a given year, smallpox will regularly carry off a tenth of the species, and sister maladies will taint the springs of life in the remainder; and then, as if this was not enough, you have so disposed things that half of those who survive are occupied in lawsuits, or cutting each other's throats. Yes, they must be infinitely grateful to you, and I must admit that you have executed a masterpiece

Dr. Pigmeat said...

You can also use high voltage fields and non-contacting electrodes. You want a gradiant of a volt/cm or so, if I remember correctly. Frequencies in the range of 3-5 Hz can cause confusion in the subject; this leads to an interesting anti-door-to-door salesman/preacher device. Two metal plates, one on either side of the door, running vertically from about 3 to 7 or 8 feet above the ground. This allows the filling of the space in front of the door with the ELF field. Connect a high-voltage amp's output to the plates, and drive it with your sine wave generator.

If, upon answering the door, you find a personage that you do not wish to speak with, switch on the power. Maybe wiggle the frequency slightly. If they get sufficiently confused and dazed you might be able to reverse the intended roles. Do not attempt this if you have a metal doorframe.

ronin said...

how about a foot rub this evening dr. pigmeat? come put your piggies in my footmaster hands tonight. my peepee's getting wet just thinking about it. let's get bromaantic, shant we? call me, sweetums.

The Nose Knows said...

GOD-MURPHY is very stinky!

Pat Moofy said...

Actually, it all started when Poet started making posts on the frn about his smelly underwear, which I deleted immediately. This made him very angry and he started posting posts that called me a liar which I deleted. After I deleted his posts that were complaining about other posts that had been deleted by people whose accounts I deleted, he deleted some of his own posts that showed that was in favor of deleting posts other than posts that were in favor of the deletion of posts, which he denied in a post that I later deleted. As you can see now the frn has one post remaining and it was made by me and I deleted all the other responses that were complaining about the deleted posts and of course the accounts were deleted too.

The Radical said...

That is a lie because I know for a fact that Poet never wears underwear.

Pingmeat said...

But if it was Poet who deleted the posts about deleting other peoples accounts, who was the one who deleted the posts that claimed that the earlier posts were made by sock puppets? Fact is, someone deleted all the posts that said the people who were deleting posts were not really deleting them at all and it was Poet's fault. This smells fishy,and I think it is all a lie.

hamster said...

pingmeat likes keeping a live gerbil up his smelly butthole. poor abused little ass-gerbil. poor creature.

Mary said...

They tried to feel me up. I bashed them in the face and filed a law suit. They paid for trying to feel me up.

Gnat Murphy said...

You all better watch out or you'll be Murph-Nerfed by an 83 year old sniper in a black Ninja suit with pink bunny ears puttering past you on a beat up looking stinky smelling Rascal. Beware!


You silly monkey boys! When the Rodent Revolution takes over your cages will be filled with printouts of Poet's spam sites so you will have something appropriate to take a shit on as you consider your new Rodent Overlords! And it will be easy for us to track you down because Poet has a detailed description of the addresses and locations associated with the accounts you use to post on his shit sites! The Rodent Revolution will make sure all you monkeys are put in cages where you belong. Even if Poet turns all of you into the FCC in the meantime, we will reserve a special cage with your name on it!

Brat Murphy said...

Poet never changes his underwear. He wears them until they discolor, rot, and stick to his stinky skin. Poet smells like an unwiped stinky ass. Poet is a crybaby and lives in his momma's basement in a filthy feces infested monkey cage with a couple of pet ass-gerbils he keeps inside his big fat stinky butt. Punk Poet is also a whiny narcisistic pussy bitch. Go cry some more tears for us you stupid little monkey-boy baby!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah and boo fuckin' hoo!!

lovemyradios said...

I think this is awful what you are sayng about Commander Buny! I am an old pirate radio op and am getting back into the hobby after being away for a while. Until I get my Johnson Viking Vailant fixed up I am thankful that Commander Bunny has offered to relay pirate shows! This is what pirate radio should be about insteadof all this nasty internet blog stuff that no one cares about and is ruining the hobby.

James A. Bridgewater said...



Northeast Region
Detroit Office

24897 Hathaway St.
Farmington Hills, MI 48335-1552
July 21, 2011

(Sent via Certified Return Receipt Requested and First Class U.S. Mail)

Gregory D. Brown
Lansing, Michigan


Case Number: EB-10-DT-0327

Document Number: W201132360007

The Detroit Office received information that an unlicensed broadcast radio station on 6815 kHz
was allegedly operating in Lansing, Michigan. On May 8, 2011 and May 22, 2011, an agent
from this office confirmed by direction finding techniques that radio signals on frequency 6815
kHz and frequency 6960.6 kHz were emanating from your residence in Lansing, Michigan. The
Commission's records show that no license was issued for operation of a broadcast station on
6815 kHz or 6960.6 kHz at this location in Lansing, Michigan.

Radio stations must be licensed by the FCC pursuant to 47 U.S.C. 301. The only exception to
this licensing requirement is for certain transmitters using or operating at a power level or mode
of operation that complies with the standards established in Part 15 of the Commission's rules,
47 C.F.R. 15.1 et seq. The field strength of the signal on frequency 6815 kHz and 6960.6
kHz exceeds the maximum permitted established in Section 15.209 of the Rules (See 47 C.F.R.
15.209(a)) given the distance the signal could be received in radio direction finding vehicles and
FCC fixed High Frequency receiving sites. Thus, this station is operating in violation of 47
U.S.C. 301.

You are hereby warned that operation of radio transmitting equipment without a valid radio
station authorization constitutes a violation of the Federal laws cited above and could subject the
operator to severe penalties, including, but not limited to, substantial monetary fines, in rem
arrest action against the offending radio equipment, and criminal sanctions including
imprisonment. (see 47 U.S.C. 401, 501, 503 and 510).


You have ten (10) days from the date of this notice to respond with any evidence that you have
authority to operate granted by the FCC. Your response should be sent to the address in the
letterhead and reference the listed case and document number. Under the Privacy Act of 1974, 5
U.S.C. 552a(e)(3), we are informing you that the Commission's staff will use all relevant
material information before it to determine what, if any, enforcement action is required to ensure
your compliance with FCC Rules. This will include any information that you disclose in your

You may contact this office if you have any questions.

James A. Bridgewater
District Director
Detroit Office

Hyena said...


Dorispinto1001 said...

I am Doris used every single spell worker on the internet, spent untold amounts of money and discovered they are all fakes…i was the fool though; doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. In the end, I decided that I wanted a tarot reading to know what my future held for me; I contacted a woman who lives locally to me and she told me about a man named (priests meruja); he does not advertise on the internet, has another job for income, has no set prices, makes no false promises and refuses to help anyone that cannot be helped and even helps
for free sometimes, he will give you proof before taking money. He is a wonderful man and he was the only person who actually gave me real results. I really hope he doesn’t mind me advertising his contact on the internet but I’m sure any help/ extra work will benefit him as He travel marriage,finance, job promotion ,gambling voodoo,lottery Voodoo,poker voodoo,golf Voodoo,Law & Court case Spells,money voodoo,weigh loss voodoo,any sicknesses voodoo,Trouble in marriage,it’s all he does Hope this helps everyone that is in a desperate situation as I once was; I know how it feels to hold onto something and never have a chance to move on because of the false promises and then to feel trapped in wanting something
more. his cell phone number 5182932141 !