Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Propagation forecast

P.P.I.G. Bulletin Number 32

Solar and geomagnetic activity forecast for the period August 8 to September 1

Solar activity will dynamically fluctuate between 5 and 10 anonymous posts per day over the next several weeks, depending of present activity on the Commander Bunny web site (low about August 18, high about end of August). Poet whining expected to be at or below present levels. Irregular occurrence of posts by Guy Faux, some M class and possibly X class flame wars are expected.

Geomagnetic field will be:
Quiet on August 9 - 11, 15 - 16, 22 - 24, 31, September 1.
Mostly quiet on August 7 - 8, 21, 27 - 28.
Quiet to unsettled on August 18 - 20.
Quiet to active on August 13, 26.
Active to disturbed on August 12, 30.
Disturbed to catastrophic on August 25, 29.
Catastrophic to horrible fiery death on August 14, 17.

High probability of changes in solar wind which may cause silly posts on the Alex Brains site and the magnetosphere and ionosphere is expected on August 10 - 11, (16,) 20 - 21, (23).

F. Jodry
Portugal Propagation Interest Group


jerry the junker said...

that yew, fred? now wairdie i leaf ma dilaudid gummay bear penises at? that yore goat i hear there, fred? yew makin that animal do thaim secksyal thins again there, fred? oh fred. now yew all leave that goat be now fred. fred? fred? fred? i know yew can here me fred. what's the mattter wit yew now there fred? oh fred. oh fred. i'm talkin to yew now fred.

Anonymous said...


Willard Scott said...

Partly smutty, with a chance of bullshit. We have a gossip front, moving in behind an occluded warm front, with rumors and lies, striking at an alarming rate. DX'ers would be wise to put on their BS coats and believe little of what they hear.

Hey, now, good looking, Vicki Tincher of Nitro, WV is celebrating 100 years young today! Ever since she got rid of her useless two-faced husband, she's been living the high life!