Saturday, July 21, 2012

Wiping my ass with my Crystal Ship QSL

What in the hell is going on with the poet? He quit responding to all the emails I sent after his last broadcast. Someone said that he got busted and that he was off shortwave! I can't listen anymore or surf the internet except for weekends, because of other stuff going on, but I was interested in what Poet was up to. I enjoyed his classic rock shows in 6875 back a couple of years ago!!!

Looks like he's been doing some bad dope, he is all fucked up in the head!!!!! He has a blog, just like my blog here where we tell the truth about Commander Bunny and all the damage he has done to what was such a fun hobby but is now full of sock puppets like Mosby, beans, Joe Smith, Chris Smolinski and Krackhead. His blog is all full of obsessive shit about Commander Bunny who is also the same as beans/Mosby/Winston/etc. So why is Poet obsessed about emails about this shit??? I think he's lost his mind. This used to be a fun hobby until it was overrun by Fansome etc.

Poet you are fucked up! No wonder theres no fun in this hobby any more ;(


kracker said...

poet is laim he is up against shit he cannot refute

POPE POET THE 1st said...

Oh yeah! Well fuck you, you fucking, fuck! I'm KING of Pirate radio and everyone will do as I say and believe everything I say or I shall bring down upon them a plague of static and upon their first born.

I AM POPE POET THE FIRST of Pirate Radio and my band of loyal and unquestioning followers do my bidding and hold inquisitions on those I deem unworthy.

Sure I slam others for sock puppetry while maintaining my own many sock-puppet accounts, but its only because I didn't think of it first that I now deem it wrong and a sin against my very being!

I AM POPE POET THE FIRST of Pirate Radio and I will stand in the middle of my mothers basement and stomp my feet, and create a hissy fit of biblical proportions if you don't do exactly as I say and be friends only with those on my approval list.

I AM POPE POET THE FIRST and I am the KING of Pirate radio you fucking, fuck,fuck!

Now go back to your trailer and smoke yourself into oblivion, get behind the wheel of your pick-up truck and get another ticket you fucktard hillbilly blasphemer.

Say three Hail Murphys and sin no more.

Reasonable DXer said...

Please, please, every time Commander Bunny posts something on his website, Poet goes ape shit.

Its like the wind up box. You wind it up, and out pops a clown. Same thing with Poet. Even his "friends" are growing tired of it. Poet is a self destructive psychopathic, narcissistic personality.

You can always tell you are in Poets house because of the lip prints on all the mirrors.

Leave the poor retard alone. Let him dream about his "winnings" from his lawsuit against Lorrilard tobacco. He has dreams of grandeur and superiority over all he commands. He wants desperately to be important and to be heard.

Sure he quotes Plato without giving Plato credit, but come on, how many Pirate Radio idiots have read Brave New World? Apparently at least two.

Stop winding him up.

Its tiring watching you guys poke fun and he's the only one who doesn't "get the joke". We all know the "joke" is not only on him, it is him. He doesn't.

Which makes it all the more funny, but still, give the mentally challenged Poet a break.

Pope Gregory the 1st said...


Pope Poet the Poet said...

As Plato, uh, I said, yeah that's the ticket, I SAID IT, "Any man may easily do harm, but not every man can do good to another." Yeah, that's what I said. That damn Commander Bunny isn't even a Man he's a fucking rabbit. Fucking, damn fuck ass rabbit. And he's outsmarted me and made me look stupid. Hey here's another thing I made up and said, "At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet." Yeah, that's the ticket, I said that, not some greek guy. Who the fuck ever heard of Plato? What kind of fucking name is that anyways. Here's another one I made up, yeah I made this up because it has my name in it and you'll think I'm clever. "Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet." Yeah, read that "everyone becomes a poet", so fuck you Commander Bunny, Jerry, Springer, Maury, Judge fucking Judy.

Socrates said...

False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil. Imagine then the soul of Pope Poet. Decayed and as appeasing as a melon, left on the window sill for weeks, reeking of self importance and arrogance. Be ye not like the delusional pompous pirate of Lansing.

Sponge Pants Square Bob said...

Plato? Isn't that the stuff that came in a plastic egg and would melt into your rug and fook up the vacuum cleaner? How can some sticky shit in an egg write something? Crazy batshit rabbit.

LoreLIE the Horrible said...

Looking at pictures of Commander Bunny, oh yeah baby, here it comes, oh Fook you Commander Bunny, ummmmmmmm, oh yes, ummmmmmmmm, I'm a bad girl, spank me Commander Bunny, spank me hard. Harder! HARDER! i'M A BAD LITTLE MONKEY-GIRL!

Punk Poet said...

I am in the process of forging an email that will prove beyond a doubt that jerry greaves aka winston aka beans aka bob smith aka fluffernut the turtle did indeed tip off the canadian police about the northern relay service and caused them to shift frequencies or otherwise avoid being busted and thus establish that commander bunny tipped off the fcc about the crystal ship and so we are off the air and betrayed and busted


Alex_in_West_Virginia said...

Geez, JerryMichael/Pat/Bunny/Beans/Mosby/Thumper et al ad nauseum didn't even mention me--I feel slighted, LMFAO!!! Does that mean I can't take my turn being Guise Faux? And anyone notice that his/their 'Occupy Pirate Radio' post on the Freakin' Rabbit Net is no longer there? And, BTW, I don't hide behind 'Anonymous!'

Anonymous said...

i wiped my ass with a crystal shit qsl when i crapped me a really rancid smelling gregory dale brown poop the other night

Pigmeet said...

HEY! I've been just as two faced, just as big a piece, or is it peace?, of shit as those guys. Only I'm a back stabbing, sniveling asshat of extraodinare abilities. I was Pirate but lost my balls and now all I do is gossip on IRC and post shit about people I used to know. I am a real piece or is it peace?, of garbage, stinky piece or is it peace? of cheese. I wish I could throw myself under a train, but there aren't any for miles and miles. No one talks about ME! Pay attention to ME for a change. I'm just as despicable as Poet or Smolinski. I told everyone that Smolinski was Fansome back in the 90's, before everyone knew it was Kevin Miller. I feel left out. whats a ni**** got to do to be recognized for his betrayal here?

Radio Boob said...

Welllllllllll ya'llllllllllll are just beginners at slamming the rabbit. I was the original Bunny-hater. I was the one who started the rumor that Pat Murphy was the Bunny! Wasn't any evidence of any connection until my brilliant mind put it together. I accused him because he had blocked me from posting on the FRN. Ha! Fookin beginners. You don't know crap about smearing peoples reputation and dragging their names through the mud. Ya'll come on down to GAAAAGEIA and have a BarBQue and slap a shitload of slaw on it and we'll smoke a blunt and talk about taking random pieces (and yes it is pieces) of information and making it appear to be connected to Bunny. Ya'll need ya an Elmer to help you through this process. Ya'll are taking way too long to destroy yourselves and make yourselves look like blithering idiots. Who the hell has a name like "Gregory" and expects to be taken serious? Lives in his Mammas basement? What kind of pussy thinks he can get away with shit like that?

Chris said...

Let me tell you something. The only time you mention my name is when you are giving credit for something. Even if its something I never did. I was the first DXer to slander Murphy, because Cruzan made him Admin of the FRN instead of me. I was mortified. I'm smarter, far more handsome, and make a living with Computer Programs. Why would he give it to Murphy? So I started the Murphy bashing on IRC chat. At least until I could figure out how to put up my own Pirate website. Now I leave the Murphy bashing to my underlings. Poet, Corq, Radical, Sheldon and Pigmeat. Gotta love what I've done to Pirate Radio. Split it right down the middle and created drama, chaos and discontent, where there was none. I am a friggin genius and when it comes time to get credit for things, you'll find me at the front of the line. You don't use my name unless its to praise me.

Jay Leno said...

Oh shit, my kxyboard is fookxed up. Thx "x" kxy won't typx x's anymorx. How thx fuck and I supposxed to pass along lix's if my x kxy is brokx? Fucking rabbit brokx it! I know hx snuck in last night and jammxd the x kxy. Kxxp on Kxxping on!

Jay Leno said...

Xh Christ! Nxw thx fxxkin x kxy is dxing thx samx thing the x kxy is doing. What thx fxxk dx I x nxw? shit xn a crux!

Jxy Jxy Dyxn-x-mitx said...

Cxmx xx xxw thx gxdmax x kxy hxs jxinxd thx xthxx kxyx. xxxx, xxxx!
xxxx xxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxx!!!

Anonymous said...

Look I don't know any of you, don't have a horse in this race, but all I'm saying is that this Poet guy is fucking with a Viet Nam Vet who has terminal cancer. You should be a little worried that he'll just up and say Fuck It and show up on your doorstep one day and take you out with him. Plus he was Marine Corps Viet Nam vet. Jesus some people aren't thinking this thing all the way through. I just know I wouldn't want to piss him off and have him show up on my door step. Just saying.

Corky Bell said...

Oh, I love a man in uniform. They're so butch. I wonder if he'd spank me cause I'm a bad little girl?

sockwad said...

all i am saying is pope punk poet needs to cram a sock in it, up it, and fuckin aound it. kapish?

by the way crystal ship qsls suck as toilet paper and a good wet shit wiping eats right through them and i get my wiping sock all full of poop.

Anonymous said...

I hope no one takes Poet out. I am about 20 years younger than Gregory and live just up the road. I plan on fucking with that 50 something,still living off his parents punk till he is in his grave and shitting on it then after. That will teach him for messing up my baseball games on the TV with his commie bullshit.

Lymph Node Ned said...

"shit on his grave"

No way dude! I'm not standing in any more long lines.

John Poet said...

I'm still here! Rumors that I've lost my mind are FALSE!! I will remain until the end!!! I will have the last word!!!! My blog will prevail for the world to see!!!!! No I haven't "quit" blogging, I've just had other things to do!!!!!! I'm not done with you yet!!!!!!! I'll try to get myself back on the job here!!!!!!!! I'm just a whining, finger-pointing blogger!!!!!!!! We are ALL losers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

John Poet said...

The previous post was not made by me. Obvious sock puppetry by Mosby/Murphy/Jerry/Springer/Maury/Judge-Judy. Haha, very funny. I am held out in the Poet Cave, plotting my scheme to take over the Internet and have the only blog anyone can read. Why, oh, why did the take down the Paterno statue? I admire Jerry Sandusky. Using his position to circumvent the laws and so what if he likes little boys. A lot of people like little boys. No harm, no foul. Fookin rabbit! Its all I can think about is that fooking rabbit. And little boys. I hate that fookin rabbit. He's made me and my one friend look stupid and ignorant. I'll be back to speak the truth and proclaim my innocence, quote Plato and try to appear smarter than I actually am, but I've got to hang out at the elementary school. Its recess time! Fucking rabbit. That previous post obviously wasn't me.

John Poet said...

Oh no you didn't! These previous two posts are NOT ME! I am me! Just ask me. Go ahead, ask me.
Stop posting using my name or I'll hold my breath and stomp my feet and have a hissy fit. I'm lonely in my Momma's basement. All I've got is my computer, cigarettes and a dwindling bag of weed. I can't go out and get a job because I spend every waking moment on this keyboard, hammering away at the Commander Bunny Machine. They took over the Internet and Pirate Radio and I was the only one who stood up to them. Had it not been for my Mother supporting me and giving me a place to live, Commander Bunny would have taken over the entire Internet and driven the few free thinkers away. I declare anyone I don't approve of, a sock puppet of Commander Bunny. If only the elastic in my boxers hadn't lost its zip and let me down. Now I have no underpants and my jeans are stained from years of wear and not being washing. My Mom says, "come out of that basement and get a job" but she doesn't know the work I do to stop the Rabbit from taking over the world. If I could only drive a nail through my head and let the bad dreams out! You will believe me, you will. I am Gregory the Great, better known as John Poet of the Crystal Ship. Somebody please believe me! PLEASE!

John Poet said...

I did not make any of the previous posts either! Commander Bunny actually started the war with his anonymous sock-puppet attacks on Radio Yellowknife. He reported Doc John of Radio Yellowknife to a radio club and Canadian authorities in an attempt to get them busted. He later switched to public attacks against Doc after he started his new station, the Northern Relay Service. Later he attempted to start another war with me with anonymous sock-puppet attacks on The Crystal Ship. He reported The Crystal Ship to the FCC in an attempt to get them busted. He later switched to public attacks against me and Doc John after we attempted to start a new station, the Crystal Ship True North Radio Yellowknife Relay Service.

Crystal Ship True North Radio Yellowknife Ronin Radio Relay Service of North America and the USSR said...

I must protest at this blatant sock puppetry of our valuable shortwave pirate radio service!

Evil Elvis said...

The blowing league still won't let me in their chat room. Everytime I fool them and try to say hello and show them a little love, those assholes try to kick-ban my ass. Good ol' Evil Elvis is only trying to show the blowing league his love is all, especially you Krackhead. Who loves you baby?

TCB baby, TCB.

Evil Elvis

P.S. Somebody get me a penis-butter and nanner smegma sammich.

Winston V. Beans said...

the crystal ship is to pirate radio like jerry sandusky is to penn state

Joe Paterno said...

What do you mean, Gregory (sock puppet names Poet, Cyrstal Ship, Guise Faux) is Jerry Sandusky! Corrupting young minds, coming into Pirate radio with his mental illness and non=stop gossip and lies. So you newbies, when you hear, "come hear little boy, got something to show you"! RUN - RUN - RUN Pirate Radio's Pedophile is after YOU!

Old Indiana Dxer said...

What QSL? He don't send out any f****** QSL's. He just wants to vomit accusations and hyperbole about Commander Bunny. What a phony Poet is. Its just Bunny haters shit, day in, day out. I hope Commander Bunny kicks his ass. I'm sick of Poet and the jackasses on HF Underpants.

Atlanta SWLer said...

I hope Commander Bunny shows up at Poet's house, knocks on the basement door and wallops the crap out of him as soon as he answers. Now how funny would that be? Hehehehehohohohahaha!