"I'm more into "hard evidence" these days." -- John Poet
We all miss the Crystal Ship and their thought provoking blend of rock music from the sixties. It is a shame that they broadcasted regularly from the owner's home using a high powered shortwave transmitter in a suburban area near several licensed radio stations, or else they would probably still be on the air. They probably should have never sent out mass e-mails before their pirate radio broadcasts that listed the time and frequency they were going to be on. You never know who or what might be on the other end of that email.
"guess what man just because you win a gold medal in the special Olympics doesn't mean your no longer retarded." -- Kracker
Instead of telling the FCC to go fuck themselves, John Poet, the operator of The Crystal Ship shortwave pirate station, decided to do a big "expose the rabbit" spew on a blog on the internet after his "bust." There was one broadcast of the Crystal Ship via a relay station that was heard by a couple of people a few months ago, and then John Poet has abandoned pirate radio in favor of sitting at a computer screen, writing screeds about people he feels are responsible for his fall, and practicing the art of clever web page authoring by attempting to use every possible typeface style and color in his posts to give them a better sense of the urgency they desire!
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John Poet is a Spammer! |
Maybe it also had something to do with the sock puppets.
"I am in Harpers Ferry W.VA. Not North Carolina or Virginia. As I said, check my IP address, even a simpleton can work this equation out." -- Winston tries to impersonate Alex Vranes of Harpers Ferry, West Virginia
Winston Beans Mosby Bob Smith Bill O Rights Kracker Murphy Graves Bunny Bigley is a sock puppet. He may not even have anything to do with pirate radio. He may actually just be an internet troll. He may be a she. He/she/it likes to mess around with dedicated pirate radio fans who used to enjoy this hobby that has now been abandoned by everyone except for the bowling league.
"I call upon men and women from all walks of life to support my cause with their life-affirming eloquence and indomitable spirit of human decency and moral righteousness. Only then will the whole world realize that society must soon decide either to encourage open, civic engagement or else to let Commander Bunny, Kracker, Beans, Thumper, Mosby, Bouncer (& sundry other sock-puppets not yet fully identified) abandon us on a desert island." -- Poet becomes unglued
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Asshattery |
But I'm getting ahead of my self. Like I said, John Poet should have told the FCC to go fuck themselves. He should have taken the Crystal Ship underground and mobile and continued to broadcast. Maybe under a different name. On different frequencies. At all times of the day and night. With no stupid blog or email notifications or fancy QSLs or any of that shit. Maybe he also could have changed the format of his radio station so there wouldn't be so much of that classic rock like what the cheap channel cumulus shit that's on fm.
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The FCC would probably not have given a shit about The Crystal Ship unless they hadn't been broadcasting down the road from a licensed FM station |
"Circumstances suggest that, along with the complaint, went real name and address information on the station operator known as John Poet. (It is admittedly possible that he turned this information over to "Kracker" of Radio Jamba International, or one of his other henchmen, to do the actual dirty work of snitching to the F.C.C.-- so that he could maintain the more pleasant fiction to himself that "I didn't do it-- someone else did." Kracker in particular has seemed anxious to signal his involvement by circulating a photoshop of a sinking Crystal Ship entitled "SinkingDaShip" along with other comments. However, since 'Commander Bunny' was the only one who could possibly have supplied the pertinent information, we hold him ultimately responsible for being an FCC informant). " - John Poet slanders other pirate radio operators
But this was not to be. John Poet stomped up on a big pedestal and cried out to all the anonymous irc world, "Bunny/Kracker did it! Mosby is a sock puppet! They busted me! I was not responsible for my own fall!" He seemed to forget about radio completely and focus entirely on long, exhaustive screeds about exposing bad things happening on the internet!
I was completely shocked by this, as I didn't think anything bad ever happened on the internet!
"The Detroit Office received information that an unlicensed broadcast radio station on 6815 kHz was allegedly operating in Lansing, Michigan." - The FCC
Face it, Mr. Poet. You did this to yourself. Pirate radio at one time gave a shit about you. Now you're just some useless windbag on the internet. Look at what pirate radio has become now. A dumping ground for Beans/Mosby/Krackhead/Murphy/Graves/Mosby and all the others.
i may be a sock, but at least i'm not a dumb ass redneck like you
If this means that there will be a few, like yourself, who will claim to believe that I am "no better than he is" (even though, deep down, you know better), well, that is a price which I am willing to pay-- and, when weighing the validity of such opinions, I am certain that objective observers will also take the 'likely sources' into consideration.
Alex Vranes who has sworn his love and devotion to Commander Bunny has wasted tens of thousands of taxpayers dollars making Virginia, Maryland and West Virginia State Police chase him for a myriad of warrants and violations.
This ape-human has plenty of time to hammer away at his keyboard, spewing hate, rumors and lies, but no time to show up for his court time! Go figure!!!
Plea: Guilty
Plea Date: 03/27/2009
Disposition: Guilty
Disposition Date: 03/27/2009
Beans, beans, they're good for your heart
The more you eat, the more you fart
The more you fart, the better you feel
So let's eat beans with every meal
Poet indeed busted himself. I am now confiming this on behalf of the FCC. What an easy catch he was. We all had a good laugh about it here at the field office.
You know, Alex, perhaps you and that punk Poet should grab each other by the hand or whatever and jump off the nearest bridge. Do us all a favor and do that, would you?
Love and dick kisses,
Douglas G. Miller
Douglas G. Miller said...
Poet indeed busted himself. I am now confiming this on behalf of the FCC. What an easy catch he was. We all had a good laugh about it here at the field office.
get lost feces, post tits or gtfo
I'm still dead and you all suck cocks like Artie Bigley, especially you, Alex. You smell like ass too. Jeezus you all stink like rhinocerous crap and goat piss. Blah blah blah fuckin' blah! Fuck you!
Put a cork in it Alex you cockwad and jump! Crybaby!
~Corky the Dolphin
PS: Lick my blowhole!
I have it on good authority that Artie Bigley was the one who sent Poet's name to the F.C.C. Poet is a fucking commie!
"Artie Bigley" is another sock of Beans/Krackhead/Thumper/Murphy/Winston!! Its a shame these assh*** are killing pirate radio with all this sh** :(
alex is just like my brother michael was before he did himself in with his milk, i hope he doesn't jump and corq you better leave alex alone he may become unstabil
Dear Alex,
I find your blog to be both distasteful and offensive to the shortwave listening community at large. Please remove this blog at once or else I will be forced to contact the proper authorities. Thank you.
With friendship and unity,
RD Cuff
this whole blog is distasteful thank you rich, this reminds me of the olympics when that pothead tried to get in and i was against it because i think people like pot heads should be banned and alex is being falsely accused by that bad bunny thumper whoever he is and i don't like it.
p.s. I am a fat pig!
Mary Ann, thank you for your nice coments, the Bunny/Thumper/Beans/Mosby/Graves/Krackerhead assholes are really messing up what used to be a fun hobby. Would you like to hook up later? I like chubby girls
Go stick a sockpuppet in it, Loafhead. For fuck's sake, get a breast reduction and lose the whale blubber you big fat stinky blimp!
CORQ IT, CLOWNS!!! Goddammit, you lame brains are making enough noise around here with your postings that you are waking the dead!!! Can't Jacko's ex-dolphin stay dead here in peace. What the fucking hell is the matter with you people anyway? CORQ IT, MOTHERFUCKIN CORQ IT NOW!!!!!!!!!
Please visit my blog i am sad no one is sending me any emails
Great post, Alex. I agree with everything you say and I love how you handle my bologna. You smooch the salami good. When can we get together again and do handjobs? I miss you.
88s my darling dear.
PS I love you.
Would you come visit me here in my daddy's basement and change my diaper for me, Alex? I pee-peed and poopied a whole bunch and I'm going to get diaper rash if nobody changes me. Please help me. I don't know how to do it myself. Daddy won't change my diaper. I think I'm going to cry.
Change your own god damn diaper, son. What the hell? It's bad enough you are still wearing a diaper at age 49, let alone living in my basement yet, but at least you should be plenty old enough to change your own diapers for godsake. What, are you stupid? Jesus H. Christ! Damn it, Gregory, GROW THE HELL UP!!
you guise are all fauxed up
When the officer asked for the driver's license and registration, Alexander Vranes Jr., 53, of Harpers Ferry, W.Va., said “No” and drove off.
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