Friday, May 25, 2012

This used to be a fun hobby but it sucks now :(

Haven't even bothered to listen 2day (unfortunately, due 2 present circumstances, Sundays are the only day I can listen). This goes back years, but much more so over the last 3 or 4 years. Last Sunday just reinforced my feelings about lack of interest in what was once a really really enjoyable/fun hobby, but has become dominated by asshole ops, and most longtime listeners that were really dedicatd to the hobby don't bother posting anymore, mostly due to the fact that the asshole ops just do their their best to alienate longtime listeners/supporters of the hobby. And most of those that are left just really don't care about anything but seeing their names listed in loggings.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


You know Jerry, they better be careful, Jerry, they may get a visit, Jerry, and they'll be getting a Pepsi, Jerry. Jerry, you know? They need to get off this frequency, Jerry, they will not like it, Jerry, if they don't get off this frequency, Jerry.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Furry Rodent Network abuse UNCOVERED!!!! ;>

I got myself busted and it's all the FRN's fault! That awful FRN and all its bunny sock puppets have ruined pirate radio!

This seemed to deepen the silence on the FRN even further.... but my Email box started going wild.  I began reading all these narratives, about the abuse of FRN posters by Commander's sock-puppets, and how FRN accounts got deleted when anyone else had tried to speak up about them, etc etc etc.  Most of this was news to me; from what I read, the disappearing accounts seemed to happen to posters who were newer, or had a lot fewer connections with others in the hobby than I have.  Besides, in some previous off-board altercations with 'Pat Murphy', I had made it quite clear that I would not hesitate to use my large Email list to broadcast whatever I felt needed saying-- in the event that anything ever happened to my FRN account-- so I guess "Commander" realized that I couldn't be silenced by deleting my posts or my account, as he had done to others with smaller footprints. The FRN is bad and was the cause of my downfall, and all those FRN Commander's sockpuppets abused the former FRN posters who came to exemplify the FRN conspiracy against The Crystal Ship and Alex Vranes of Harpers Ferry. West Virginia. Some of the FRN abusing sockpuppets also infiltrated the FRN threads on other forums until they were kicked out like the FRN abusers they are, and his rampant and increasingly obvious use of sockpuppets on the FRN pirate radio forum to reinforce his smears and to bully and intimidate other FRN posters into silence.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

NASPRRS reception in Pennsylvania ;->

Thanks to Al Fansome of Deadville, Pennsylvania for great reception of Radio Hilltopper on the North American Pirate Radio Relay Service today at 6pm UTC on 14.313 USB sterero!! Al writes
Much better than the Bunny/Kracker/Mosby/Beans/Thumper stations!! Thanks Alex!!!!
We'll send a QSL to you real soon Al ;) Thanks for listeing!!!!!

All kinds of socks LMFAO!!!

Those "complaints" are all made up!!!

And BTW, anyone notice that all the "complaints" about John Poet on the bunny blahg are from 'Anonymous' listeners. Now, they couldn't be just made up, could they? ;>P And I like this: "perhaps next time the bunny will mention you, alex." C'mon, JerryMichael/Pat/Bunny/Beans/Mosby/Thumper et al ad nauseum, why don't you just say "I" instead of "the bunny?" Typical cowardly behavior from a rightwing redneck hater--hide your real identity!! Again, LMFAO!!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

They persecute me!!!

It's a shame what that insane idiot (we all know who I'm talking about) does. He was on 6925, but deliberately moved up to jam NRS. He apparently thinks he owns the airwaves, the Internet, etc., etc. Now watch, he'll/they'll now probably slam me on one of his/their "shows," and I use that term very very loosely in his/their case, on his/their "blog" (and again I use that term loosely--I guess it should be more like rants in all of these cases), and his/their Pirate Radio site. I understand mental illness, but this clown really seriously needs professional help. And he's complaining about bloggers--what a joke, LMFAO!!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

For sale: pirate radio station, cheap!

I got an email from one of my friends today that I need to share ;) Maybe you can help him out and keep the airwaves free from all those ass holes :-))

Dear Alex, As you know Bunny/Krackhead/Mosby/Beans/Murphy/Thumper turned me into the FCC so I can't broadcast any more. Anyway I am selling my rig and I am giving my friends the first chance to own a piece of pirate radio history! Email me for the specs or post on the free radio cafe for details.
John Poet
"A treasonous voice of dissent"
Free Radio Cafe Board Admin
The Crystal Ship :: TCS Shortwave

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Announcing the North America Pirate Radio Relay Service (NAPRRS) on 14.313 MHz USB!

So many people have contacted me lately about the lack of good programming on pirate radio these days so I am creating a new relay service! This new network will use powerful transmitters and good programming to take the airwaves back from all those Mosby/Thumper/Krackhead/Beans/Murphy stations and the stupid shit they play such as peoples private details!!! ;=>

There will be no commander chipmunk or blowing league stations on this network so you can be assured of hearing the best classic rock and commentary without any bullshit! Check out the programmers making new shows for the NAPRRS!!

We will accept QSL requests from anonymous trolls on Corq's blog but if you are a sock puppet we will send your personal information to the FCC!

Powerful NAPRRS Transmitter specially modified for world wide shortwave ops!!!
Look for new programming happening every evening at 8 PM on 14.313 MHz USB! This is the new pirate frequency where all the good programming will be happening!! We are broadcasting in side band because it has the best sound and will show off our powerful transmitters and processoring equipment!!