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Those "complaints" are all made up!!! |
And BTW, anyone notice that all the "complaints" about John Poet on the bunny blahg are from 'Anonymous' listeners. Now, they couldn't be just made up, could they? ;>P And I like this: "perhaps next time the bunny will mention you, alex." C'mon, JerryMichael/Pat/Bunny/Beans/Mosby/Thumper et al ad nauseum, why don't you just say "I" instead of "the bunny?" Typical cowardly behavior from a rightwing redneck hater--hide your real identity!! Again, LMFAO!!!
What about all the anonymous comments against Commander Bunny, Kracker, and the Bowling League? Far more of those than anonymous comments against you, jerk-bag. Oh, and where are the negative comments at nowadays? Why of course, not on the FRN. Once a bunch of the asshole asshats were nuked from FRN finally, the negativity there went bye-bye. The main reason FRN is now so dead is you assholes blog about the posts there so why give you bastards material? Look around on HFU, FRC, Radio Paranoia, the Crystal SHIT blog, and more accusations and snide comments so fuck you, Alex. Go jump off a bridge or better yet go jump off the Empire State Building and go splat. In fact all the asshats could go do the same especially that communist whiny crybaby punk Poet. Eat sit and die motherfucker.
do you have any spare toe jam in your sock, sox? i'm hungry.
I think everybody in this pirate war needs to come see me for my special little blue pills with the V in the middles.
Attn. Mr. Alexander Vranes. You have not appeared before your probation officer now for two weeks. If you do not appear within 48 hours a warrant will be issued for your arrest.
i hope you police put his ass in jail and throw away the key. i do not like criminals, especially stupid paranoid ones.
Bunny hates rednecks? Where the fuck did you get that from, Alex? Are you on drugs?
Does anybody have any free weed i could have? I am entitled. Much obliged.
go sit on it and spin, vranes. if asshats like guise faux can hide behind a mask then we can too. what's fair is fair you kooktard.
you suck, poet sucks, faux sucks, gay terry sucks, polesmokelinski sucks, al fansome sucks, corq sucks, jolly roger sucks, evil elvis sucks, nrs sucks, and we all artie bigley sucks cocks.
now kindly do us all a favor like with hockey and get the puck out.
fuck you with a big black cock.
It appears that you were trying to say you anonymous bastards all suck cocks too but you neglected a comma you uneducated ignoramous. Proofread next time you post you useless troll.
fuck you, grammar nazi sock. you can't even spell ignoramus right. so i made one litte mistake in my post. that part should have read "and we all artie bigley sucks cocks." It was the word "know" missing from that sentence in error, not a missing comma you jerkbag.
eat my ass, cockwad!
You forgot that word again when you posted that quotation, you IGNORAMUS. Are you on drugs?
quit fighting before i sock all of you even the maryland state police. now i am fuckin' spun up again god damn it.
sock it to me baby!
Howze abouts if I sock yew upside thee haid yew stoopeed Ahmereekan soakpuppait peice of thee sheet!
Feck yew, Soakwad!
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