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Pirate radio operator revealed! |
To: Bob Smith (bobsmith6955@yahoo.com)
Date: Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 4:32 AM
Subject: Re: Whats up?
From: Doc John (northernrelayservice@gmail.com)
We here at the northern relay service appreciate that the only things that can replace our signal is pot and Jesus ( be careful combining the two). But our signal like the rapture will be announced by a voice from the air ,and if you tune somewhere between 6.930 and 6.940 sometime in the early evening you will have a chance of hearing us. In the meantime, here is a picture for your pirate radio scrapbook.
[Attached file: doc-john.jpeg]
“I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from
ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all
ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!”
― Dr. Seuss
The concept is to go out and do something with your life that matters. The concept of YOLO isn't really to go smoke, drink and make something for your own being. Do like me and suck the cock of Fansomski. And when your done having your fun you can Corq it.
Doc John's real name is Sheldon. If you call me I'll tell you his last name. But don't tell anyone that I told you all his secrets. He works for the NWT Government so he'd get in trouble if anyone found out. He's my friend. I call him Doc or Shelly, but then he's my close friend. Oh and I know who Guise Faux is, but those Bunny bastards have already guessed its really Greg. You see Greg puts up this big front about sock puppets then uses them himself. Figuring you assholes won't figure it out. Boy has he got all of you fooled and only his good friends know the whole story. Only his good friends call him Greg and I'm one of his good friends. Fuck you guys. I would have kicked Krackers ass last time I saw him at AJ's but I had my good sweater on. Next time I'll kick his ass for my friend Greg.
When we made sock puppets with my mother.
Every June, she bought yards of oilcloth, pulled out a large collection of permanent magic markers, and created colorful signs announcing the upcoming VBS. She would draw all sorts of pictures, based on biblical themes, with playful graphics that came from her imagination. I was not allowed to touch them - she said that the markers would stain my clothes. But I think she wanted full artistic control of the project, as these signs graced the neighborhood's main thoroughfare. Before she married, she wanted to be an artist, an ambition she sacrificed to a 1950s vision of motherhood. The VBS signs served as her yearly art show, with Harford Road as her personal gallery.
She would, however, let me help with the crafts. We sat on the living room floor sorting through old socks, bits of yarn and fabric, old buttons, and pipe cleaners. From these scraps we would sew sock puppets of biblical characters. We made Moses and Pharaoh, David and Jonathan, and Mary and Jesus for our amateur productions in the church's handmade puppet theater. We cut up old Christmas cards for shellac projects and paper-mache collages. We made Bible map stencils to mimeograph and color. And we built the Temple at Jerusalem from sugar cubes.
Preparing for St. John's VBS took weeks - with pieces of the Bible, in the form of yarn, paint, colored paper, and sugar cubes, scattered all over the house. It was a glorious theological mess and I loved it.
Clearly such programs entertain children - while serving as an evangelistic tool to reach parents and gain new church members. No doubt they ease the creative burden of countless VBS teachers across the land. Buy Vacation Bible School online, then recruit some teachers (assuring them this will not take too much of their time), unpack the can, and invite the children. An easy, quick way to learn the Bible and grow the congregation.
Lately, I have been reading Bill McKibben's fine new book, Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future. McKibben argues that growth - based on “hyper-individualism” - does not create human happiness, health, and wholeness. Rather, local community and close connections make us happy. We must shift away from a Wal-Mart economy to what he calls a “deep economy,” defined as “the economics of neighborliness.” Less stuff, he suggests, will create more connections by transforming the human economy and makes a “durable future” for the planet.
Although McKibben writes of economics, his argument carries over to faith. Successful American churches are Wal-Mart type congregations, built on the idea that bigger-is-better, hyper-individual faith, and entertaining programs meet an infinitely expanding religious market. That vision creates a culture of religious sameness across the country - indeed, across the globe - that subsumes local cultures in its wake. Want your church to grow?
My mother is nearly 70, has had two heart attacks, and is slowing down. When I think of her - as I do a lot these days - I remember sitting in the piles of scraps, creating biblical worlds together. I remember making the Virgin Mary out of a sock. I remember the deep economy of being Christian, of practicing our faith in the living room with scissors and glue, not the size or success of our congregation. I remember our neighborhood church, small and quirky, where we produced our spiritual lives with our hands and from our hearts.
I no longer want to belong to an efficient church, a big one, or even a successful one. I just want to be part of a good sock-puppet church. And, as I have traveled this year, and spoken to many thousands of Christians, I had heard them, too, longing for sock puppet church, a deeper congregation, a community that stitches memory from scraps, one that (as McKibben says) “rebalances the scales” of our religious economy - and, in the process, may well transform the world.
doc john kind of looks like corq's twin
Jesus, after all that yabbering by Mina, its no wonder Chris has lost himself in destroying pirate radio. What's a pussy whipped, church widow, wearing raincoat on sunny days kind of guy to do? Maybe Bruce can move in with him and they can be the Odd couple. Only in this case, both of them are sneaky back stabbers who shit on each other at the drop of a hat. There you'd have it. Two of the causes for pirate radio being split into factions, now shitting on each other, instead of other people. Man the hilarity would never stop.
Who you calling back stabber, back stabber! sure I knifed Murphy in the back when I got him to advertise the IRC chat, then I used it to undermine his credibility and lie about him turning people into the FCC. OK so I'm an asshat for doing that, but God and my church insisted that I carry out this plan of superiority.
I wanted it all, to myself. But now I'm busy trying to bail out my failing Blackcat systems for bankruptcy and don't have time to destroy Pirate Radio. I leave that to my friend Lorelie, or as you know her, Corq. Talk about sneaky little bitch, she works overtime on posting shit about Murphy and making him look bad.
That along with Poet and his sock puppet army, the guy doesn't have a chance. The only thing I worry about is that Murphy's a Viet Nam vet and dying from cancer. He's got nothing to lose. I do worry that one night I'll wake up and he'll be cutting my guts out and making me watch myself bleed to death. Other than that, I can sleep just fine at night. I wonder what my friends Pigmeat, Greg and Lorelie are dreaming about?
What the fuck does all this fuckin bull shit have to do with anything? These fuckin sock puppets are crawling out of the fuckin woodwork with all this fuckin shit!!!! No wonder all thats left on the formerly good pirate radio message boards is a bunch of crap. Poeple like Krackhead and his socks like Beans/Mosby/Pigfeet/Thumper/Murphy and all those other shit heads destroyed what was left of a hobby that used to be fun is now full of assholes who only want to see their names in the logs. Their the ones who post all this sock puppoet shit on blogs!!!!
Hey fuck you Alex. I had more complaints about how it used to be a formerly fun hobby but now is infested with assholes who have blogs where they post shit out pirates they dislike. That's my bitch mutherfooker! You stole my idea to bitch, complain, accuse and pass along any gossip or rumors I hear from Pigmeat about Pirate operators I don't like. Fucking thief. I'll bet you've got a record for stealing too, don't you? Winchester District Court says you stole medical services and didn't pay for them. So you are a thief. YOU STOLE MY BLOG IDEA!
yeah, what Greg said, he's a fucking genius and I whack off every time I see something he posts. uhhhhhh, yeah, ohhhhhhhhh, ummmmmmmmm
Me too, me too, me too. I think Greg is the best. I worship his every word and splooge all over myself every time I see him post something brilliant. I can't wait until Pigmeat tells us more gossip.
Well I think all this talk about NRS (No Receivable Signal) only gives him what he wants. ATTENTION. He wants people to talk about him because YOU SURE CAN'T HEAR ANY SIGNAL HE PUTS ON. What a L-O-S-E-R. Although I'm not certain that spelling works for Canadians. They can't even agree on what language to use.
Poet has not only lost his mind, he deletes any comments on his hug box/blog that point out his mindless bullshit.
You just wait Kracker, next year at AJ's I'm going to kick you ass. I only told Poet I could this year, but next year, you'll see I'll bring five or six of my buddies from Nitro and fook you up! Yeah, I'm a bad ass on thisy here keyboard mutherfooker. I'll fook you up on this keyboard.
I am not a sot puppet!
ыaме kядckея!
Holy shit is Murphy going to go gut these mutherfookers before he dies? Cool. I hope he guts them and makes them watch themselves bleed to death all the while he's laughing at them, to their face. Can you imagine Greg pissing himself, realizing he's getting what he deserves? Holy shit, is Murphy going to stick it in and make them watch? That doesn't sound crazy that sounds great. I wonder if he'd let me go with him and watch?
In Murphy's defense, I don't think he's the kind of guy who'd "slit" someone open. He's more the kind of guy who'd tie them down, hook up wires to their nads, and plug them into a 220V outlet.
Oh bunny, my bunny come to me now, you know you want me, c'mon you nasty little bunny come to me, see me, touch me, feel me. OH! bunny, I like it so much bunny when you.. OH my bunny I think.. OH is like heaven, bunny OH! OHHHHH OOOOOwooooooooooooooooooo
Why are we still referring to him by his sock puppet name "John Poet"? If he was dumb enough to get busted, he doesn't deserve to be called anything but Greg. John is more of a trickster than anything else. The summer the Bunny and Kracker were looking for the real name of Al Fansome,John knew it all along. He'd told me who Al was when I was doing Radio Al Fansome years before.Al started sending out QSL's for the WRAF broadcasts before I could make any up. I called John one day and asked,"Who's the guy QSL'ing my broadcasts?" As John mailed out the print ACE in those days,he said,"Let me check the records." He then gave me Al's real name and street addy. I bet ol' John was smilin' like a possum watching Kracker and the Bunny run around for months looking for the identity of the elusive Al? John is a character and a half.
That dumb bunny.
There aren't any niggers in Nitro. Why do you think the locals call it "Whitro"?
Someone call Meals on Wheels for the old fucker? They'll take him to the Senior Center,where he can be examined and treated for what is obviously the first signs of senile dementia. He's a sad old son of a bitch.
Funny he mentions Nitro?I had a run in with the FCC near there after calling his pal Beans to let Mosby know I'd be transmitting back in '03. Odd the Bunny would know that little ol' town existed?
Do you think? Nah..... not Thumper.
"Appears to me that the person who warned me that you weren't to be trusted knew just what he was talking about. Someone else of serious note has since said the same thing."
More anonymous crap from a sock puppet. Many people have used the Belfast (and previous) maildrop(s) and have never had a complaint - including (gasp?) *JOHN POET*!
As I've said before, be *very* careful dealing with this guy or his Free Radio Cafe. Your identity will never be safe there, particularly if you let it be known that you don't completely agree with him.
He has publicly done what he accuses Pat Murphy of doing: Revealed the identity of another pirate Operator! Exercise extreme caution, folks. jta
I see Greg Brown is continuing his lies on HFU (I don't understand why Chris Smolinski allows him to post his crap there when Greg has a website of his own as well as 2 blogs to spread it on).
"I see Greg Brown is continuing his lies on HFU (I don't understand why Chris Smolinski allows him to post his crap there when Greg has a website of his own as well as 2 blogs to spread it on)."
Because this is Smolinski's dream, to fuck over anyone not in his cult. Don't worship at the altar of Smolinski, then you're fair game for the asshats to attack, tell lies about and ruin your credibility. Its how the cult he and Mina are in work.
Anyone using HF Underpants thinking their information isn't being shared is deluded, and will live to regret it.
"Funny he mentions Nitro?I had a run in with the FCC near there after calling his pal Beans to let Mosby know I'd be transmitting back in '03. Odd the Bunny would know that little ol' town existed?"
Come on now Bruce, gotta keep your lies striaght. Murphy still thought you were friends back in 2003. He had no idea you were talking shit behind his back, taking the knife and sticking it in his back, back then. Doesn't make sense he'd send the FCC to your town if he thought you were still friends, now does it? Of course it doesn't. Just like Vicki told you, GOTTA KEEP THEM LIES STRAIGHT or people will know what a two-faced, piece of human waste you are. Murphy had no idea you were stabbing him in the back with Smolinski until recently when you posted that lie on HF Underpants and made Greg cream in his jeans.
Come on Bruce if you're going to be a two faced back stabber, keep your lies straight. And it was you who brought up the Viet Nam stuff. Tell your new friends, they may want to sleep with one eye open. In fact, YOU may want to sleep with one eye open. Not going to be pretty!!! It will be in all the papers and on CNN! You fuckers want attention, you're about to get some attention.
Doesn't look like Bruce like being talked about, like he talks about other people. Another one of those who can dish it out, but whine and cry like little girls when they get a tasted of their own medicine. I'm loving it. Open WIDE Bruce!
I'm still going to kick you ass next year at AJ's Kracker. You were scared of me, when you saw me. I know you were. Of course the fact that I hadn't bathed in a couple weeks had nothing to do with people avoiding me, but your on my list Kracker. I'm going to bring my new friends Greg and Smolinski with me and we're all going to french kiss in front of you. Big smoochy, tongues and all french kiss. Greg kisses me all the time. He said its the custom of real pirates, and if I want to be a real pirate I need to kiss him, hard, on the lips. My friend Radio Animal told me I'm better looking than Murphy. I'm better looking than Kracker. Fuck all you guys. I saw the FCC van in Saint Albans, and I heard from Smolinski that Murphy sent them, so it must be true. If it weren't for Smolinski I wouldn't know where all these FCC vans are located. He seems to know where they all are located. But its because of Murphy they are there. I'm going to kick Krackers ass next year.
YO check out my fine minivan with phat sound system and biz azz rimz YO mutha fuckas
Well hi there Djboutit. Long time no see girl. How you been? I'm fine. Playing with my penis in the Lakewood public librarie like I allways do. That's all. Getting my luv juices on the computer keyboard keys is scrumptious. Ready to squirt now, Dj. See you later, masterbater. Tootaloo.
eh, ha, eh, he said, masterbater. Eh, ha, eh, huh
I just want to say that Chick-fil-A are a bunch of assholes. Ever since Greg and I became lovers, we've shared chicken sandwiches, and a few others if you know what I mean, and we are horrified at the blatant bias against my lover and I. Greg and I will never go to Chick-fil=A ever again. Greg says I have a nice smooth ass. Do you think so? He's such a devoted lover. Pirate radio is in good hands, if you know what I mean, with Greg in charge. Chris would dot over me, and buy me things to keep me around, but Greg pays attention to my every word and need. I get a big woody just thinking about him.
I just want to share with all my fans, and I know there are so many here, that I am now a melcryptovestimentaphiliac and damn proud of it! Oh I love the way they feel on my thrusting buttocks, when Bruce rubs his big manly hands all over them. In fact Bruce loves to wear them too and say "La-de-da" as he sashshays around my basement. Being from West Virginia Bruce has hexadactylism, but its endearing and I do love to play with the one of the left foot. I can't wait to kiss in front of the Whitro Chick-Fil-A as he's talking to his friends at the FCC, in their cute little van, and dish out the dirt on Murphy-Mosby-Thumper-Beans-Syfr-Guise(oops that ones my sock puppet, sorry) and Bouncer. If I ever meet that Murphy brute, I'm going to hit him with my man purse and srcream like a girl and run away with my new lover Bruce.
punch the poet on the left hand side
punch the poet on the left hand side
and sock the poet
and sock the poet
some mo'
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