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Pigmeat and Commander Bunny in happier times. From the jta collection. |
Saturday, August 25, 2012
The mysterious Pigmeat/Bunny connection
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you can't see it, but Brucey boy has a knife in his hand and is getting ready to stick it in Commander Bunny's back!
The Arconians decided to add 14 more hours to my 12 hour work week this week, so I guess I won't have to shag it at Labor Ready for a while.
My roommate Creepy was sulking today when he found out I get a 15% employee discount over at the Arco even when I'm not working there and free drinks while I am. It's just not fair, you see, that I should get something he doesn't get. It's really upset him.
What? Was he raised by communists, socialists or Democrats or somethin'?
Speaking of communists, that fine Irish actor, the Postmaster Dufus, is on TV again saying with a straight clown face that the taxpayers shouldn't bear the burden of safe mail, but that the government should pay for it. Where does that clown think the government gets its money from? Bake sales?
Then he clarifies his Newspeak, saying the postal customers (junk mailers) shouldn't foot the bill, the taxpayers should. Oh, now I get it. He's trying to protect the profits of the junkmailers by adding a post office tax on working people's paychecks.
Five billion dollars, please. Screw him. Triple the price of stamps if that's what it takes. Don't take it out of my Labor Ready paycheck. If the U.S. Post Office can't compete with Fedex, let them go bankrupt like capitalism dictates. Let's see how long that Postmaster lasts in a REAL job, the #$%& corporate welfare bum.
In case you didn't know, the "patriotic" U.S. airlines have bumped so much U.S. mail off their planes in favor of more profitable cargo that the U.S. Postal service subcontracts its airmail to Fedex anyway. Let's cut out the middleman (the frikkin' U.S. Post Office). It's an anachronistic institution that we should have dismantled years ago.
By the way, Poet sucks!
It seems to me that Poet and Ronin have spooged all over pirate radio too much and have turned it all into a bad fag film. Jeez guys, go get a room. if yer gonna play with each others weiners then do it at rest stops on the interstate like I do.
Look I'd really like to be YOUR friend. All this talk of me being a back-stabber is just that. Talk. Sure I was Pat Murphy's friend for over 20 years, but Pat didn't send me a Birthday card, nothing at Christmas and zippo on Yom Kippur! Who wouldn't stick a knife in someone elses back after that kind of abuse? Huh? well answer me you fucking asshole.
So really, after knowing the whole story, who can blame me for jamming a knife in Pat Murphy's back and turning my back on our friendship. What the hell are friendships for? Am I supposed to be loyal to someone forever. Fucking Vicki tried to make me do that, and you see what she got! My world started out in little old Nitro, where I saw an FCC van once, which I swear was sent there by Pat Murphy, by I digress, then I just outgrew Nitro and Vicki and my friendship with Pat Murphy. I've become someone bigger than either of them could ever hope to be. My new friend Greg and Chris, who acts like he's not my friend, but I know that he is, cause I sit outside his house in Westminster and watch him for hours on end, they care about me and sure they don't send me birthday cards either, but they really care for me.
Come on, please be my friend. All this talk about me being two faced is really crimping my style of talking behind peoples backs and spreading gossip. I just got tired of Pat Murphy. More people paid attention to him than me, and I got sick of the spotlight being on him, and not me.
Look, you be my friend and I'll do "things" for you. You know, special favors, if you got the dirft of my slide, eh? We can go sit outside of Chris's house and I'll keep you company. come on, now be my friend.
I can speak from authority, as I do in everything, that Bruce, AKA: Pigmeat, can deliver the goods. He's been invaluable as a "double agent" per say, in the war on the Bunny empire. With his behind the scenes snitching scoop, I can depend on him to provide insider information, that none of my other agents (Radical, Guise, et al) can not provide.
Just imagine how he must feel about himself, sticking that knife in Murphy's back, so easily and gleefully. He must feel like a real man for once in his life.
I've been a much better friend than Murphy ever was. I have elevated him to "Snitch-supreme" in my cadre of weapons against the Bunny. Plus he's provided some bombastic information about JTA and exactly "where" that maildrop is located. Secrets out now, huh?
Bruce is a master of looking you in the eye and "swearing to God" that its true, then turning on the Bunny, Murphy, and the whole AJ Picnic bunch.
Pretty soon I'll the entire pirate scene on my side and I'll be the biggest name in pirate radio. No one will even speak the Bunny's name! My buddy up in NWT, Sheldon will spread my message of "Hate Romeny & the Bunny" to every Inuit Indian Village along the Artic Circle. I WILL NOT BE IGNORED!
So whine all you like, you see what happens when you piss off a resourceful person (like myself) and I get revenge! Bruce may be a back-stabbing, two-faced, scum-bag to you, but to me he is the hero of the entire "Bunny-Haters" revolution! Benedict Arnold was only disliked by the Americans. In England he was a hero! Just like Bruce.
anyone up for a foot rub this fine evening? can i jack anyone's feet tonight? please? please? please? please? pretty please with toe jam on top? i really really really desperately need to rub some men's feet this instant! i demand it!
So the rumor that the bunny ranks are splitting and dividing, running for the hills as it were, are in fact true. We've been hearing for some time that there is a lot of unrest amongst the bunnyiets. Now we know for sure.
What with Pigmeat (AKA:Bruce Tincher) jumping ship and going over to the bunny-haters ranks, its obvious that the bunny can't hold his ground. Tincher spilled his guts with a conruncopia of complaints and untold stories on HF Underground recently.
Biggest complaint that Tincher had about Bunny? "He wouldn't pay any attention to me" but apparently Greg does. In fact we hear that Greg is spending a lot of time with Bruce. So much so that Greg's Momma has been yelling down the stairs, "who owns this piece of shit Valiant up her in the driveway"??? Inquiring minds want to know, just how far have these two new friends gone? We know the break up with Vicki was harsh, but has it pushed Pigmeat over to the other side? They do spend a lot of "private" time together in the basement.
Good riddance to bad rabbits, and Bruce will be much happier with his new friends north of the Indiana state line. Some people just don't appreciate a double agent, but we do!
Its not "back stabbing" if its because of a moral outrage! Bunny changed his phone number and I had no way of calling him, so I figured he was blocking me out of his life. Murphy? He gets all the attention and no one hardly even knows who I am. Its not fair. Why does this Murphy guy get so much attention? So he's written a couple of articles and been on Art Bell, but why him and not me? I'm smart too? Just ask my Nitro High School friends. I was on the "Fencing team". We done built fences all the way to St. Albans.
And Yoder, that fucking Andy Yoder. Why does everyone think he's so fucking smart? Oh he writes books. Big fucking deal. I read a book, so there. None of these people are bigger in Pirate radio than I am. I crawled up into the mountains of West Virginia and strung antenna's between tree's and gullies with my Grenade. I was a hereoic figure of pirate radio too. But do you think Murphy paid any attention to me? Do you think Yoder featured me in his book? NO! Fucking NO
Now that I'm old and have no wife, no life, my kids hate me, and I've alienated any friends I could go live with, all I've got left are Gregory and hating Commander Bunny. That's it. No Mas panteloni.
Don't think of me as a two faced, back stabber. I'm a situational ethics pragmatist. Whatever works for the moment. Did Murphy do anything to me? No. But I wanted in on the big bunny-haters, Smolinski/Greg Brown/HF Underground controversy and while Murphy never did anything TO me, he never did anything FOR me. Got to go with the people who are going to pay attention to me and value my second hand gossip and made up stories. Hey but all my made up stories make me look good and they make Murphy look like an FCC snitch.
Come on, Murphy is dying of terminal cancer. he's not going to be around for much longer, got to hitch my belt on a rocket that is going somewhere. Pretty soon he'll just be a faint memory and I'll be the star of HF underground. Pretty soon you'll be singing the praises of Pigmeat and have forgotten all about Pat Murphy.
I'll kick all your asses at AJ's next year. Just try me. Last year Kracker saw me and ran for the door. I scared him with a stare. I'm a bad mutha-fucker.
I can't think of two people who deserve each other, more than Brucey and Gregory. Just imagine what they are saying about each other, behind their backs. hahahahahahahahaha
If he stabbed Murphy in the back, when will he stab Gregory in the back? If he told lies about Murphy, what will he say about Gregory?
Won't be long before we hear Pigmeat saying, "oh, man, it was just a misunderstanding, I never said any of that". That's one of the problems with being a big two-faced liar. You lose track of what you told who, and when you told them.
Hey bullshit! I would never say any shit about my new friend Gregory. Just because he lives in his Momma's basement and he's 47 with no job, doesn't mean he's a useless turd. I don't stick a knife in my best friends back and anyone saying that is a veracious, pretensionless, pulchritudinous punk.
Just because my new friend has momma problems and won't get a job to pay for his own food doesn't make him commodious.
Where the hell are you at, Piggie? I've been waiting here on the Jimmie for a week now. I haven't so much as moved an inch (well I can't anyway because the battery is out of juice). I have not had a bite to eat, but I did have a couple jugs of prune juice in the Jimmie's bycycle-basket so I did get to wet the old whistle, but god damn it, I couldn't stop shitting and pissing myself and I popped my Depend's undergarment (okay a fuckin diaper but don't laugh at me, Piggo). Where the hell are you so I can go ninja on your ass? What the fuck? Nag, nag, mumble, nag, god damn it mumble fuckin nag! Did I just fart or did I shit my drawers again? Fuck!
eat my fudge m&ms until you pop your dumpster gut, piggly-wiggly! oink! oink!!
I am going to kick your rabbit ass next time at A.J.'s. I'll give you some fudge m&ms alright, bunnyman. I will shove them nasty rabbit shit motherfuckers back up your old stinking wrinkled up grandpa ass with my bare fucking pig knuckes sideways.
Better watch it before GOD-MURPHY goes Superman on your piggly-wiggly ass. I wouldn't want to mess with that crazed ex-marine and get the wrath of GOD-MURPHY. No sir! Praise the almighty GOD-MURPHY!
Apparently "God Murphy" has terminal cancer, so his God powers don't seem to be working very well. On the other hand, anyone pissing off someone who has nothing to lose isn't the brightest star in the sky. Its obvious most of you aren't thinking about what you post here.
is that krusty the clown standing next to the bunny?
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