Friday, September 28, 2012

What a shame

I searched in vain on the short waves for the crystal ship, it used to be a nice part of our sunday nights here. I can't listen much any more because of other commitments, but I tried every Sunday night and TCS never appeared. I think they gave up, it is a shame, that they would be so intimated by krackhead and his sock puppet league and all of those ass holes who ruined this hobby. Looks like Poet will never put out another broadcast, he is too busy sitting in his basement. What a shame, that bunny/krackhead/mosby/beans/blowing leage has ruined what was a fun hobby for everyone.


Hyena said...







AM said...

Gregory had told so many people it was "Bunny/Murphy" that got him busted, but turns out Murphy had voted for Gregory to be inducted into the Pirate Hall of Fame at the same time, so Gregory's story just doesn't make any sense. If it was Murphy who got him busted, why would Murphy vote FOR him to be in the Pirate Hall of fame? Sad to see so many self serving assholes, with lies and stories that hurt other people, infest the hobby. Luckily, most of the people who enjoy Pirate Radio could give a shit about all the internal dramatics that do only one thing. Draw attention to the people that make the outrageous claims. The Gregory Browns, Bruce Tinchers (Pigmeat) and anonymous cowards who slither about the perimeter only expose themselves as a disease that ruins what is an otherwise fun past time.

fred ziffel said...

poetman's gettin a might tubby there. no wonder his father put a chain around the basement refrigerator. fuckin fat ass!

wanna dance c0ckwad?

pppp-punk poet!

Saylor said...

Poet hasn't been relevant in several years. Ever since he went off the deep end and starting setting himself up as the final word on who is worthy and who isn't, he hasn't done a program worth a shit.

I really used to enjoy his commentary on politics. May not have agreed all the time, but it was worth my time to listen to it.

Last couple of years, he rants about this person, that person, who's "stalking" him, who's doing this and that. A lot of inside, behind the scenes shit, as a listener I don't care about.

I for one and am glad he's gone, and off the air. Hasn't done anything worth listening to for several years. I'm sure the two or three people that care about his many dictates and rulings will gobble up his blog.

Douglas Chandler said...

Good riddance to bad garbage. Doesn't take much talent to play songs in between whining about trivial bullshit, which is all he does.

Anonymous said...

Nice art, Scott!

Evil Elvis said...

It's all the fault of the blowing league and that mean old stinky bunny rabbit. They did it all and ruined everything. I think they all suck. Bleh bleh bleh bleh nag nag nag nag complain.

Who loves you baby? Fuck you.

Anonymous said...

Think you spoke too soon. Poet's been on the air two Sundays in a row now! (But you're right about the stinky rabbit)

Guise Fag said...

Yes my hero, Poet has been on two Sundays in a row. An he's been a smash in Moosebutt, Hay River and Fort Smith. Poet is my hero. He can do no wrong. And Rabbit can do no right.

PirateDxer said...

On the air? He's got to stop using that NRS (No Receivable Signal) and get some US coverage.

Plus all Poet does anymore is complain about the Rabbit and how everything's his fault. I used to enjoy listening to some political opinion from the left, but even that has grown tired from Poet. He's just become a pathetic complainer. I can get that listening to my wife. Sad to see someone that used to be good, become such a tired joke. At least Undercover Radio is still a great listen. If Poet hasn't retired, he should.

Well Known Pirate said...

What I don't understand is why Poet is going on and on about a cartoon bunny. At the same time Poet was busted other pirates in that area, SW and FM were visited or spotted F.C.C Agents in the area. The other pirates were not on air at the time of the contacts or sightings unlike our lucky pal Poet who brocasted at regular times every weekend, smart. Now these other pirates are smarter than to tell the pirate chat groups to blab all about their close calls, this would only get them busted. Just ask blabbermouth Pig Meat. At the slightest hint of a visit he is ready to blab and almost caused a well known pirate to get revisited by the F.C.C. I dont think the piate in question would be able to skirt his way around the agents twice with the wonderfull pirate chats and blogs filling in the blanks for them. So pls Pig Meat shut your fuckin mouth from now on you fucking snitch, and yes I have proof unlike your pal Poet. WEAK was not as lucky when he wanted to keep his visit on the D.L. He warned a few ppl to be on the lookout but yet again, blab blab blab. So to all you big time bloggers and chat channel know it alls, you dont have me fooled.

Raymond Burr said...

In this episode of Unsolved Pirate Mysteries we will chat and blog about the locations and names of pirates in #Pirateradio chat, HFU and Guise Faux site. Isn't this what pirate radio is all about?

Perry Mason said...

Yes Raymoond, that is what makes pirate radio so much fun. Gotta love it!

Anonymous said...


Ray Charles said...

Even I can see blogging and chatting about a pirates identity or location is a sad attempt at making ones self feel smart and important.

Captain Ganja said...

Is that why our 'Commander' keeps doing it?

Hamlet the Pig said...

Indeed, Captain.

Pigmaet said...

Stop picking on the rabbit. I am back on his side again. Poet sucks.

Billy Graham (Mormons are ok now) said...

Pigmeat is a pathetic loser. All he does is call or come around to dig up gossip, so he can tell the next group. He had no proof of anything he's said about Murphy. I know he used to call me up and chat it up all the while digging for information. When caller ID came in, anytime I'd see that WVA area code, I stopped answering and after a move or two, lost contact. Anything you tell Pigmeat will be repeated, with his twist on it, to make somebody look bad and make himself look good. What an asshole. I really hate to see what these fucking retards have done to pirate radio. Hope they all die horrible, painful deaths.