Saturday, October 20, 2012

Happy Bowling Slohbz


Alex Brains said...


Swler said...

Nonsense, linking gay porn to your blog, Alex. What's the point? If one wanted to look at gay porn photos they could have easily asked for Poets gay porn site passwords like I did.

The man in the yellow hat said...

It is unwise to feed the monkies!

Al Fantasm said...


The real Al Fansome said...

But I'm not dead, god damn it!

Tricia Stall said...

I'm still trying to figure out what the hell it was that Pat actually did for me, that was supposedly worth $2,500.00

Marty Williams said...

He won the fucking election for you, or did you forget that too?

RuPaul said...

Raul the "bruiser" wants to know why Gregory won't pay him the $50 he promised, for the "date" with him and Greg's friend Bruce Tincher. If you are going to get the show, pay the dough, Raul told passerby from his vantage point on a corner on MLK in Lansing. "tch, tch, shouldn't play if you can't pay" were comments by Lansing's "in the know" community.

Digging up dirt, works both ways, but only dullards with no intellect fail to understand.

Foreordination, said...

what a sad pathetic life. Spending all your time, looking for dirt on the internet about someone who had a life and was actively involved in politics, broadcasting and sw radio listening. And all you can do is surf the web looking for what you think is dirt. Maybe one day a parasite will attach itself to you and do to you what you've done to Murphy.

Life is funny like that.