John Poet, former pirate radio operator, now delusional monkey spanker |
There's a sourpuss out there who used to be on the shortwave pirate bands. His name is "John Poet," and since he got a letter from the FCC in 2011 for broadcasting on the funny bands, he has gone completely insane.
Check this out:
The Crystal Ship or 'TCS' is a former North American shortwave pirate radio station, founded in 1982, reactivated in 2004, betrayed and busted in 2011. Now known as the TCS Shortwave Relay Network, with shows broadcast by other pirate radio operators. 'The Poet' and 'The Radical' program left-leaning political opinion, and specialize in music from the '60s, '70s and '80s.
If this is really what "The Crystal Ship" is about, then why in the world does he fill up page after page on his blog with meaningless drivel and rants about Commander Bunny? This has nothing at all to do with "left leaning political opinion" or "music from the '60s, '70s and '80s."
On the other hand, the piles and piles of raw sewage he spews on his blog more accurately depicts someone who has lost his fucking mind!
And, they call Alex Vranes insane.
Well, hairball, it isn't over. I'm not done with you yet, but the dish is just about cold enough to be served now. However, I'll be indulgent and play your game for just a minute: if we judge the matter of "winning" the pirate war on the basis of, who has been busted by the FCC, and who hasn't, well, then obviously you've "won" that one. Congratulations. I'm sure you're proud of what you've accomplished.
Of course Commander Vole won. Isn't it obvious? You fell for his trap hook, line and sinker. He gets off on all your meaningless childish prattle! And you still think he turned you in to the FCC? Again, it's obvious that John Poet, who obviously has so few brain cells left that he can't take responsibility for getting himself busted by broadcasting regularly in his own house, for hours at at time, on a predictable schedule, and who sent out e-mails to a large list before firing up transmitters?